Just some recordings of various events / musings with my horses.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Spring is Here!

A bit of a slow start to this year but hopefully once all the blips are ironed out we can just enjoy summer.  Mulligan's knee injury came right and then he went lame behind in anything but walk.  Physio came and did some sessions and it is suspected that the problem is in the stifle.  He is still on box rest and my vet is coming out tomorrow to see how he is doing.  The problem with Muls is that his body may be 19 but his brain is 3!  I decided to take him for a walk up the road - he walked up past the horses ok and then they all came galloping over to say 'hi' to him which made him feel very important and so we came home race horse mode prancing and dancing about 17 hands high.  I eventually had to wrap the lead rope around his nose as I cant keep turning him in small circles.  Ok, so that was a bad idea, next time decided to walk around the new cross country section - oh dear - Mr Mulls decided to lock onto one of the logs and I had to dig my heels into the ground and was dragged a few meters before he decided it wasnt much fun dragging my dead weight along!  So now we just walk around the school and yard, poor chap.   I feel awful that he is in so much now especially as soon all the others will go out 24/7 but to be honest he really doesnt seem bothered.

Dainty also managed to sustain a nasty knee injury but unlike Mulligan she just doesnt do box rest and so Sadie and Dainty ended up in little paddock on their own.  It is fine now and there are new cross country logs and jumps going up in preparation for a show cross show to be held at our yard coming up in April so Lyn and I had a little play yesterday 

Dainty spotted the camera man !

Dainty & Lyn

Dainty over the log

Sadie, as mentioned in previous posts, is now on the Regumate which has made a huge difference in her overall wellbeing.  She is actually chilled and lovely at the moment.  She still did not seem 100%  and on having her back checked discovered her pelvis was out.  So she has had a couple of physio sessions and is having her saddles checked this week.  Physio has said I can start working her again and I couldnt resist popping a couple of the little logs.  Will be better when my GP has been correctly fitted as I do find it rather difficult jumping in a dressage saddle.
Sadie - not sure about my arms over this one !

Sadie loves jumping the little logs :)

Just for the record we dont usually jump in hi-viz - we had been for a walk down the road first :)