Just some recordings of various events / musings with my horses.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Hoods Cross Country

I thought it was about time I put something on my blog..... Today Lauren and I tootled off to Hoods XC in Lincoln for a bit of a play around.  Miss Felicity (Flick) has had some loading issues but given a bit of time does get on.  Well today took 40mins and then Madam (Sadie) decided she wasnt going to get on.  There was a moment when I thought we wouldnt be going.  All of sudden we were all loaded up and on our way.  Hoods is a wonderful playground - it caters for the novice through to the advance.  I didnt push myself today but we intend to go back soon and there were a few jumps that I ummed and aahed about and then wish I had done afterwards.  We only had one hop, skip and jump moment which was good and both girls were very well behaved.

Quick warm up and we were on our way.  The great thing about this place is that there is a whole field that just has little jumps so the horses gain their confidence really quickly.

The weather was lovely although I was convinced if I was going to come off I wanted long sleeves on so was a little warm at the end.

Sadie I am pleased to say was only sweaty from work and not lathered from getting giddy.

There were only another 2 people on the estate at the same time as us and we only really saw them in the distance at the beginning. There are about 100 different jumps - just about every type you can think of.