Just some recordings of various events / musings with my horses.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Greens Stables Summer Camp 2012

Well its that time of year again - CAMP TIME!   Have been a bit worried what the weather would do but luckily it was great all weekend up until the 'higher and higher' event last night when the heavens opened.  So that has been put on hold for a nice evening - to be continued ...

Unfortunately Mulligan is still not right and he LOVES the games - he stood watching from his paddock - neighing to Billy his little field mate as if to edge him on was really sweet to see. 

Our theme was Cowboys and Indians and although people started camping from Friday night the first actual event was the famous obstacle course on Saturday afternoon.   I took Sadie and a lady who used to ride on our yard came along and she took Dainty.  She did really well as she has never ridden Dainty before.

Entering games field :

So in Fancy Dress we waited our turn .....

 and then we were off ....

we had to negotiate the scary walkway with balloons
and on to the scary arch.  Last year Mulls was ace with this and I really didnt think Sades would do it but I kicked her on and off she went through - what a fabby pony when she wants to be ;)
next stop - biscuit corner - eat a biscuit before continuing - I think it would have been better if horse ate biscuit - was very dry lol
then through the bending poles ...
collect a jug of water ...

and carry safely to deposit in bucket ...
once water and jug in bucket - enter the holding pen and turn a circle ...

after a 5 second wait we were off ....
over a small cross pole ....
then a quick dismount ....
 through the tyres on foot and a run through the finish ....

We came second with a time of 22secs beaten by a 13.2 pony lol who got 18secs.  Will have to go faster next year!  We came third in the fancy dress category. 

Next up we played a game where you have to jump over a line of water tubs and each time a tub is removed until only one tub left.  If you knock or miss you are out.  I cant remember where I got up to but this is definately not Sadie's thing.  After the fourth round she is just 'yee haa' and staying on is tricky never mind aiming for a narrow tub so I think we went out fairly early - it is good fun though. 

Saturday night was BBQ and Broncing Bull - (Pics to follow).  I did not have a go however Lewis did.  Did not want to tweak my back in any way or form.  Sometimes I just roll over in bed and it twangs so dont want to find out what would happen falling off a bull!  Was great fun though watching everyone.  The kids were really good at it too.   I went home to see to dogs and sleep in my own bed although almost everyone else camped and luckily the weather was kind. 

Sunday morning early start to smarten and spruce ponies for the Showing Competition.  Two Sections - Tack and Turnout  and Ridden.  Again everyone really made an effort and Penny was our judge.  I remember being the judge last year and its really hard.  I won the adult section in both categories which was nice as Sadie was not too happy that Dainty was in field on other side of fence and I caught her twice in her stable trying to rub out her tail plait!!  Was also a good excuse for my tack to get a good cleaning. 

Sunday afternoon was gymkana games and the higher and higher competition.  I decided not to enter Sadie as it all just gets far too exciting for her brain.   The higher and higher had to be abandoned as the forecast rain finally made its appearance with thunder and lightning so we ran for cover.   It is to be continued this week some time. 

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